How To Get Rid Of Implants. Part 1.

Dec. 11, 1995.

Here is some information that has come my way about how to get rid of implants.
John Winston.

From: That 4th D D
Subject: Help Stopping Abductions

Browsing through one of my favorite magazines the other day, I stumbled across this advertisement which really caught my attention:

No Matter What the Media Says:
Being Abducted is *NOT* a Good Experience Mari Raphael, the founder of the Emotional Energetic Healing process, can help you to clear and release the abduction trauma by:
Neutralizing the implants
Permanently severing your connection with "The Greys." Healing & transmuting the drugs, genetic engineering, egg and
sperm removal, pregnancies, and mind control experiences Fulfill your potential!
For appointments call (213) 874-2372
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On my first call, I was greeted by an answering machine which at first caused me immediate discouragement -- the message was so sickly obsequious that it caused me to form an immediate impression (which later proved utterly erroneous) that here was yet another "love 'n light" delusional type who was merely peddling yet another form of cosmic denial. Much to my surprise, she called back shortly and what I discovered on the other end of the phone was a truly remarkable 40-ish woman who had probably been through more trauma and heinous manipulation than anyone else I have ever met (and I have been studying/researching child abuse/cults/mind-control for over a quarter century now) yet had managed to preserve her own sanity and even transcend all of the negativity to the point where she was no longer controlled by all of the hate, rage, fear, shame, etc. which generally causes an entire lifetime of stunted emotional growth in abuse victims. She turned out to be not only a very loving and compassionate woman who has dedicated herself to helping others break free of all the cycles of abuse and mind-control (terrestrial and otherwise) but also a wonderfully insightful critical thinker who is not at all intimidated by the Draconian controllers (terrestrial or otherwise) who have controlled and manipulated our species for millennia. Further, she possesses a delightful knack for calling "bullshit" when she sees it. I really like her.

Instead of gabbing with yet another implanted, inculcated, mind- controlled, Stockholm Syndrome motivated "grey hugger" entrenched in elaborate codependent denial mechanisms, I found the most delightful, empowered, bold, straight-shootin' individual I have encountered in this field in a good long while. It was truly a refreshing experience.

Ms. Raphael, it appears, has undergone the full gamut of abuse -- from grey, reptilian and insectoid (praying-mantis type) kidnapping, rape, torture, abuse, tyranny and mind-control to military/intell induced-MPD/MK-ULTRA heinous abuse to many years of ritualistic satanic abuse in which she was beaten, raped, tortured, shot, stabbed, had every bone in her body broken to other methodologies too numerous to mention and, for some, too disturbing to even consider.

Yet through it all she has emerged as an empowered, victorious woman who it is my genuine pleasure to have met and my privilege to introduce to all of you battered and abused victims who are ready to walk away from all of the denial and codependence and put an end to the tyranny so that the process of healing can finally begin in earnest.

She sent me a brochure and an article which she has given permission for me to distribute here in the hopes that those who may find this information helpful will have an opportunity to connect with it. Part 2 of the article will appear in an upcoming issue of Perceptions magazine:
(310) 313-5185
(c) 1995 by Mari Angelique Raphael, EEH
This material may not be reproduced without the express written consent of Mari Angelique Raphael, EEH.

[Excerpt from brochure follows]

"Mari Angelique Raphael, the founder of Emotional Energetic Healing, is a 25-year pioneer in the field of divine healing, energy balancing and self-empowerment. She has a national reputation in the healing arts as well as training and development for corporations, non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals. Her unique combination of talents have led to an evolution of emotional, energetic healing work that has empowered men, women and children from all walks of life. She is in the process of writing a book on energetic healing and on her experiences as an alien abductee and contactee to the Angelic Realm.

"This is her story...

"I have always had a conscious connection to the Angelic Realm/ Ascended Masters. I have seen, touched and spoken to them all my life. In this lifetime, I chose to be born into an abusive household. My parents were very aligned to the 'dark' and tried to destroy me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I was abused by satanic ritual, sexually molested by both men and women (and died over 100 times in my childhood), every bone in my body broken, and never knew a loving moment with these people.

"I was never hospitalized for any of my injuries and relied on my intuitive healing abilities, and the love and support of the Angelic Realm to get me through each day. I don't share this information to generate shock or self-pity. I chose to go through these experiences so I would have first-hand knowledge of what it takes to completely heal from this kind of abuse.

"I also chose to be abducted and abused by the 'negative' extraterrestrials known as the 'greys,' 'reptilians' and ' insectoids,' etc., from whom I permanently severed my connection at age 16.

"The end result of my experiences has been the creation of Emotional Energetic Healing; the healing methodology that I developed over the years to overcome my childhood traumas. By channeling the Divine Light of the Angelic Realm, all negative subconscious programming/traumas can be healed -- mentally, physically, and emotionally -- simultaneously. "Truly, there isn't anything or anyone that can't be healed by Divine Light! I believe that no one has to be a victim/slave to their past. I have dedicated my life to awakening and activating lightworkers to their true identity and life's mission.

"Services provided by Mari Angelique Raphael, EEH:
Working one-on-one in individualized healing sessions (in person or by telephone)
Apprenticeship in EEH healing methodology Healing experience for children through play and art Public workshops
Men's and women's support groups
Audio-cassette tapes
"For more information, dates and cost, or to set up an appointment for a private healing session, please contact Mari at (213) 874-2372"

Mari Angelique Raphael
E.E.H. Emotional Energetic Healing
3012 1/2 Vistacrest Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
(213) 874-2372
(213) 874-4362 (fax)

Part 1.

Source of Information: The 4th D D.

Part 2
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